Contact Complete Learning Solutions
Call free within NZ: 0800 123 649
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us by using the contact form to the left or by emailing Beryl or Karen at Complete Learning Solutions.
Beryl Oldham +64 276 123 649 (Managing Director)
Karen Whittaker +64 275 619 008 (Learning Solutions Manager)
Nic Peacocke +64 276 157 775 (Account Executive)
Complete Learning Solutions Limited
Level 3, 81 Grafton Road, Auckland 1010
PO Box 31-471, Milford, Auckland 0741
New Zealand
Office: 09 217 3006
Mobile: 0276 123 649
Some on-street parking is usually available, as well as public parking (Wilsons) at 97 Grafton Road (closest), 121 Grafton Road (Grafton Oaks) and 160 Grafton Road.