Preferred Supplier Status

Preferred Supplier Status

All of Government

NZ Govt ProcurementAs part of the All-of-Government (AoG) Consultancy Services solution, New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP) has established the Business and Finance category to offer eligible government agencies specialist advice and competitive solutions from a broad panel of experienced consultancies. Complete Learning Solutions is a panel provider in the Consultancy Services to HR sub-category (Tier 3). Eligible government agencies are encouraged to contact the Consultancy Centre of Expertise to sign up to the contract to benefit from the discounted rates and standardised terms and conditions offered through the AoG Consultancy Services solution.

Auckland Council

Auckland Council

We are a vendor with Auckland Council.

Ministry of Defence

NZ Ministry of DefenceWe are a preferred supplier to the New Zealand Ministry of Defence.

New Zealand Defence Force


We are a supplier to the New Zealand Defence Force.

SAP Ariba


We are registered on the SAP Ariba Network.

Victoria State Government

Victoria Government

We are a vendor with the Victoria State Government, Australia.